Thursday 05 December 2024
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Sarai Kalbali

Haj Karbalai Caravanserai is located on the north side of Bazar Bala Street, in front of Shami Palace, and this palace has 4 entrance doors. The eastern entrance, which is currently facing the southern Saadi Street, was used for the entry and exit of four horses and cattle along with caravans and traders, and the other three entrances connect the palace with the market complex.

The historical background of this building can be matched with the historical complex of the market. Therefore, Sarai Kalbali can be classified in the row of Qajar buildings. The word Kalbali is originally "Karbalai Ali" which has been changed to "Kalbali" due to the speed of usage. This building has been named after the late Haji Karbalai Ali and Haji Youssef who were the founders and owners of this building.

This house has a central courtyard and around it, in order to cope with the hot and cold climatic conditions, different porches and corridors have been built, which makes the merchants of this house benefit from the cool air in the summer season and the warm weather in the winter season. to be In fact, this greenhouse can be considered as one of the most technical greenhouses in the bazaar complex, which shows proper functions from the climatic aspect and has the least heat loss in the winter and summer seasons, and this advantage is due to the special architectural design of this greenhouse. Sera is

Buying and selling grains and legumes is the commercial use of this house, which has been preserved since the recent past.

Address: Imam Street, Ferdowsi Street, Zanjan Historical Bazaar (Bala Bazaar)

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