Tapestry work: Master Hossein Mir Mohammad Rezaei
He was born in 1348 in Zanjan, and is the son of the great calligrapher and epigrapher of Zanjan, the late master "Javad Mir Mohammad Rezaei", whose dome inscription "Imamzade Seyyed Ibrahim" is one of the lasting works of this artist known as the province.
He has a diploma in economics and while studying in high school, he was trained in the knife-making workshop of the late master Hossein Farajian through the course "Cad design" which was one of the curriculum units at that time, and spent his spare time studying this art and craft. Is. During his military service in Tehran, he turned to learning jewelry making one day during his spare time, and after that, he stayed in Mashhad for a year and learned ring making techniques.
In 1970, with the partnership of "Abbas Johar", one of the city's tapestry makers, he bought a shop and learned tapestry from his partner while making rings, and from the same years he started making tapestry only.
He is an expert in making tapestry tools and most Zanjan tapestry makers get tapestry tools from his workshop.
Handicrafts of the master include: tea set, bowl and plate, chocolate basket, and vase.